
1. Install rssh

Install rssh to limit shell activity for users using the shell rssh:

sudo apt-get install rssh

Now edit the config file /etc/rssh.conf to allow scp and rsync:


NOTE: Since you are going through SSH, you don’t need to enable firewall rule for rsync.

# DO NOT RUN this: sudo ufw allow rsync

# You can safely run this:
$ sudo ufw delete allow rsync

2. Create a new group & user for publishing only

In this step we will create a new publishers group and a new user publisher1, whose sole responsibility is to rsync.

First, create a new user publisher1 that is in charge of publishing on your Linux server:

sudo apt-get install rssh

sudo useradd --home-dir /home/publisher1 --create-home --shell /usr/bin/rssh publisher1

sudo mkdir /home/publisher1/.ssh/
sudo touch /home/publisher1/.ssh/authorized_keys

sudo addgroup publishers
sudo usermod -aG publishers publisher1
sudo chown -R publisher1:publishers /home/publisher1/.ssh

sudo chmod go-w /home/publisher1
sudo chmod 0700 /home/publisher1/.ssh
sudo chmod 0644 /home/publisher1/.ssh/authorized_keys
# chmod for private keys: 0600
# chmod for public keys: 0644

Note that the permission must be set as above or your will not be able to scp or rsync correctly.

Try to become publisher1 and you won’t be able to:

$ sudo su publisher1

This account is restricted by rssh.
This user is locked out.

If you believe this is in error, please contact your system administrator.

3. Generate a key pair to publish

On your local machine:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "publish-only" -f ~/.ssh/publisher1

Now manually copy the content of the file to

Test with ssh:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/publisher1

You should see the following tail:

This account is restricted by rssh.
This user is locked out.

If you believe this is in error, please contact your system administrator.

Connection to closed.

If you see the error Permission denied(publickey) then you should follow the next step.

4. Allow publishers group to SSH

Note that many servers with restricted access do require you to successfully pass through SSH before doing rsync. This step is not obvious as some servers with lax security don’t require it.

Open the SSH config: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the line containing AllowGroups and append the group publishers:

AllowGroups xxx yyy publishers

Save the file and reload SSH config (don’t restart):

$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload
[ ok ] Reloading ssh configuration (via systemctl): ssh.service.

If you see this message when trying to SSH, you did things correctly:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/publisher1

This account is restricted by rssh.
This user is locked out.

If you believe this is in error, please contact your system administrator.

Connection to closed.

5. Set up SSH alias in config

Now edit the file ~/.ssh/config on your local machine:

# To publish Hugo posts
Host blog01
    User publisher1
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/publisher1

6. Now publish with SSH alias

Use the SSH alias blog01 above to publish your Hugo blog:

rm -rf _dsite/*
hugo -b '' --canonifyURLs -d _dsite
rsync -avz --partial --progress --delete _dsite/ blog01:~/blog-deep-thoughts/

Expect the output like this:

building file list ...
359 files to consider

sent 7101 bytes  received 20 bytes  4747.33 bytes/sec
total size is 5654674  speedup is 794.08

7. Config web server

I will leave this to you. Just remember to set soft link or publish directly to the public dir:

cd /var/www/
sudo ln -s -f /home/publisher1/blog-deep-thoughts public

Congrats! Now you can safely publish your Hugo blog via scp and rsync!

8. Remove the user

If you decided that such setting is not for you and you need to remove user created, use commands:

$ sudo deluser publisher1
$ sudo deluser --remove-home publisher1

9. Troubleshooting

Expired account

On certain servers, account expiration is strictly set and your account could have expired:

Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator

Permission denied (keyboard-interactive).
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]

In that case you need to change expiration:

# List expiration information
$ sudo chage -l publisher1

# Change expiration date to Jan 01, 2019
$ sudo usermod -e 2019-01-01 publisher1

# This will yield the same effect
$ sudo chage -E 2019-01-01 publisher1

# You will need to set password expiry manually & interactively
# Change expiration configuration interactively
$ sudo chage publisher1

Should you need to refer to actual working setup, check:
