Yesterday I spent a couple of hours to set up and config Octopress. It was a good hacking experience and Octopress architecture and design proved overly complex and inconsistent with Jekyll’s simplicity that it built on. There’s no simple way to use a Jekyll theme with Octopress. Apart from that, Octopress has not been in good health since 2015, there were few commits and changes, it’s literally dying. So today I decided to make a bold move to search for new static site generators.

There were a few candidates (offer live editing):

  1. Jekyll, of course - Simple and clean. Requires Ruby and friends.
  2. Middleman - Used by Mailchimp and some others for its flexibility. Also in Ruby. Suitable for marketing material.
  3. Hugo - Super simple, super fast, works out of the box and written in Go. Hugo delivers promise that Octopress failed to deliver.
  4. Hexo - Written in Javascript and offers simplicity too. Hexo has lots of themes available.
  5. Pelican - Python is the language. Offers Jinja2 integration for theming.
  6. Gatsby - No-refresh page transitions, uses React.js component model. Written in Javascript.

Launch Hugo

I decided to give Hugo a try. You can launch a blog based on Hugo within 2 minutes:

Step 1. Install Hugo

brew update && brew install hugo

Step 2. Generate a site and post

mkdir $HOME/projects
cd $HOME/projects

hugo new site blog-hugo

hugo new post/

# Edit, change the "draft: true" to "draft: false"
echo "Hello, World" >> post/

Step 3. Add a theme

git clone themes/hugo-uno

# Edit config.toml and add:
# theme: hugo-uno

Step 4. Run the server

hugo server -w

# and navigate to http://localhost:1313

Step 5. Edit & Publish

Edit and see changes in real-time. When you are happy, run one command to generate the public folder:


Now you need to do proper git config to publish to GitHub pages (feel free to publish via rsync to your own server otherwise):

cd public
git init .

git remote add origin
git pull origin master

rm -rf *
cd ..
hugo -d public

cd public
git add .
git push --set-upstream origin master

To make generation and deployment easier, check my Makefile:


Hugo has collection of themes and you can check them out at:

I found the themes Solit, Hugo Geo, and Hyde quite attractive for blogging. Note that Hugo Geo forces you to set .Site.Params.header otherwise it will display “What I’m Thinking”. Simply modify your config.toml like this:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Viet's Blog"
theme = "hugo-geo"

# To satisfy hugo-geo theme
header = "Viet's Blog"

Happy writing & hacking with Hugo!
