
From the previous post, you already know how to use a Hugo theme, write a new entry. Now you want to add tags, permalinks and images for better reading experience.

By default Hugo does not give you tags, categories and permalinks. This can be quickly remedied by updating your config.toml file:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Viet's Blog"
theme = "hugo-geo"

  post = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

  category = "categories"
  tag = "tags"

  # To satisfy hugo-geo theme
  header = "Viet's Blog"
  Author = "Viet Le"

Now add tags = ["go", "hugo", "git", "blog", "config", "setup"] to front matter of your entry. Remember to restart the server after changing the config file.

Aliases and Cross-references

After creating permalinks, your old link will not be accessible. If you worry about losing old links, add Aliases to the front matter after tags:

tags = ["go", "hugo", "git", "blog", "config", "setup"]
Aliases = ["/post/enter-hugo"]

When referring to posts in your blog, you would want to use cross-references to for simplicity and consistency (remove \ when using):

From [the previous post](\{\{< relref "post/" >\}\}), you already know how to use a Hugo theme, write a new entry.


Use normal Markdown syntax to embed images. Note that as of this moment, Hugo does not support custom image sizes:


That’s something Hugo maintainers need to work on to make it more usable. Fortunately, the situation forced me to revive my old project PySmile that can process images in batches: Resize, convert between image formats. I plan to add more functionalities to make it even more usable.

RSS Feeds & Sitemap

Hugo provides default RSS feeds at /index.xml. There’s a RSS feed for each section as well. Section is the folder on the disk inside the folder content of your Hugo source. See RSS for the section post: /post/index.xml. The same applies for taxonomies, say for the taxonomy tags and value social-media: /tags/social-media/index.xml. You can bookmark and use for your RSS reader.

Another useful XML for search engines and for your visibility is Sitemap XML. The Sitemap link is available at /sitemap.xml.
