From the previous post, you already know how to use a Hugo theme, write a new entry. Now you want to add tags, permalinks and images for better reading experience.
Add Permalinks & Tags
By default Hugo does not give you tags, categories and permalinks. This can be quickly remedied by updating your config.toml
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Viet's Blog"
theme = "hugo-geo"
post = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
# To satisfy hugo-geo theme
header = "Viet's Blog"
Author = "Viet Le"
Now add tags = ["go", "hugo", "git", "blog", "config", "setup"]
to front matter of your entry. Remember to restart the server after changing the config file.
Aliases and Cross-references
After creating permalinks, your old link will not be accessible. If you worry about losing old links, add Aliases
to the front matter after tags:
tags = ["go", "hugo", "git", "blog", "config", "setup"]
Aliases = ["/post/enter-hugo"]
When referring to posts in your blog, you would want to use cross-references to for simplicity and consistency (remove \
when using):
From [the previous post](\{\{< relref "post/" >\}\}), you already know how to use a Hugo theme, write a new entry.
Use normal Markdown syntax to embed images. Note that as of this moment, Hugo does not support custom image sizes:
That’s something Hugo maintainers need to work on to make it more usable. Fortunately, the situation forced me to revive my old project PySmile that can process images in batches: Resize, convert between image formats. I plan to add more functionalities to make it even more usable.
RSS Feeds & Sitemap
Hugo provides default RSS feeds at /index.xml. There’s a RSS feed for each section as well. Section is the folder on the disk inside the folder content
of your Hugo source. See RSS for the section post
: /post/index.xml. The same applies for taxonomies, say for the taxonomy tags
and value social-media
: /tags/social-media/index.xml. You can bookmark and use for your RSS reader.
Another useful XML for search engines and for your visibility is Sitemap XML. The Sitemap link is available at /sitemap.xml.